With everything that has been happening recently from around the world with this worldwide pandemic virus called the Coronavirus-2019 or COVID-19, it has destroyed every country’s economy. From cases and deaths being in the hundreds of thousands in the United State.
People are being forced literally to “stay at home”, “self-quarantine”, work from home and depending on which state and community you are in, you must follow a stricter self-quarantine guideline. In some states like Michigan, their rules, guidelines are some of the strictest in the country. Normal everyday life and routines from going to the gym, lawn essentials, bike repair shops, restaurants, pet shops, and even getting a haircut are all gone because of an enemy that we cannot see but is frustratingly real.
Now, this article is not about the lifestyle impacts that this Coronavirus-2019 pandemic has, this article is about the serious negative health effects that this virus has on you and how by using a massage chair, now and when all of this is over, you will come out of this looking so much better and healthier than ever (trust me, I work from home often and don’t know where I’d be without my seated massage chair).
Why It’s Important to Have Your Own Seated Massage Chair at Home
With the sudden change in lifestyle and routine, many Doctors and public health experts are concerned about the rising risks of this pandemic can have on people such as PTSD (Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder). Yes, PTSD is often linked to war-like situations but in fact, it can be an experience where there is a sudden, forced change where all 3 parts of your human psyche (id, ego, superego) have all experienced intense irritability, fear, constriction, confusion, hopelessness, and anger. People are also experiencing more stress, and the higher likelihood of experiencing anxiety or depression could be triggered from this change in lifestyle.

Working from home is very new, very strange for most people. It’s a completely different environment, fewer people to talk to, not a lot of movement and probably not the best kind of furniture for long-hours of seated work. There’s discomfort in not having the right type of work-furniture. The furniture that we have at the office is designed for long hours of seated work, the furniture we have at home designed for short-term functionality.
Let me ask you, how do you feel right now? How do you feel that you can’t go to your favorite restaurant? You can’t visit your family? You can’t go outside without wearing a face mask? And how do you feel, knowing that you can’t even do something as simple as getting a haircut?
This feeling that you have, it builds and builds – and if you do not release it, you will have negative physical and mental health consequences. This is where having your own seated massaged chair at home, it can literally save your life. Its primary goal is to help relieve you of all of these feelings of anxiety, tension, and stress – turning you into a healthier, happier person.
Looking after your physical and mental health has never been so important! The best medicine you can give yourself right now is “15-minutes in heaven” as massage therapists call it. Imagine, all that tension, tightness, stress that you feel slowly fade away.
Benefits of Having A Seated Massage Chair
Releases Stress
Studies have proven that after you’ve used your massage chair, your stress levels will be reduced by over 85% and even lower your chances of getting injuries from repetitive strains with an added bonus of lowering our blood pressure by 6% – that small 6% is enough to differentiate you from having normal blood pressure and a hypertensive one.
Releases Anxiety

Studies have shown, that anxiety is a cruel and cunning enemy. It’s deadly because it slowly creeps on you then boom, you have a breakdown. This happens when you have so much stuff that has accumulated over time and when you do not release that accumulated stuff, you will blow up and have a meltdown. Imagine how much happier and relieved you would feel when you’ve freed your mind from the anxiety, you’re breathing easier, there’s an increase in mental clarity and focus.
Relieves Tension
Imagine how you would feel when that tightness, that weird tension often found in your arms and forehead disappears. Studies have shown that getting a massage chair lowers your chances of getting tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome by over 15%. Imagine how relaxed and light you feel when you have released all that unspoken tension in your body.
Increases Your Immunity
Strange as it is sounds, studies have proven that after your use of a seated massage chair your cells in your body perform and improve by over 35% especially regardless of inflammatory illnesses, autoimmune, and best of it improves your quality of sleep by at least 28%. Imagine, how much better you feel when you have a solid 8 hours of non-interrupted sleep.
Advice on Seated Massage Chairs
How often should you use your massage chair? It will depend on your needs. Some do it daily, while some do it 3-5 times a week and some only do it once a week. The general rule for massages is to do it as much as you need, not want or in other words, do in moderation. Massage chair sessions are usually 20-50 minutes, not more. We wouldn’t want you to bruise your muscles now.
When you decide on buying your own massage chair, please consider these factors:
- It should be easy to move around.
- Make sure that it can fit you and it can handle your weight.
- If you can find one with 2-years, that’s even better.
- Do you want a leg-rest with it or use an ottoman? Do you want heating with your chair?
- Do you want it in synthetic leather with plastic, leather with polished wood, or a combination of both?
- There are generally two types available with varying degrees of pressure; Shiatsu and Swedish.
- Uses patting, rolling, rotating, sweeping, and pressing actions- used for relieving specific body tensions.
- Uses kneading and gliding actions – used to foster strong and proper circulation.
You can find what we recommended for seated massage chairs (full body massage chairs and portable massage chairs under $100 and portable massage chairs under $250) here.
Look & Feel Great After All of This

The last thing you want is to experience a massive meltdown from this or have an injurt – you want to be strong for your loved ones, yourself, and your family. Staying at home can be extremely suffocating, the tension, the anxiety that accumulates by bits daily, must be stopped or it can harm well-being. but with a seated massage chair, at home – all your stress, worries, and fears will all go away.
The secret to this whole surviving through this pandemic is to follow the “oxygen face” rule. You take care of you first, before your family and I promise you, all will be west – it’s really that simple. You take care of yourself physically and mentally. And the rest will follow.
Imagine, how much better you will come over after all of this. This I can guarantee you, get a massage chair for your home, use it often, and you will be a whole different person when all of this is finally over. You will look better and you feel better and have that peace of mind that we all want.